Guiding to work in the service sector (60 cp)
Strengthen your instructing skills as you orientate and guide a student or employee to work. The training focuses on methods of counselling and develops ways of using them with employees and students. You will learn about planning, guiding to work, special situations and evaluation.
The training is aimed at you who wants to
become better at guiding to work tasks develop instructing skills succeed in working as a service counsellor.The training is carried out completely online, the study platform is Microsoft Teams. We offer the training in Finnish and in English. During your studies, you need a workplace, where you guide and orientate other employees. You will also need a workplace instructor who will help you to reflect the information you get during your studies. We will sign an apprenticeship agreement with you and your employer.
Information about the training
Vocational unitThe scope of Guiding to work in the service sector is 60 competence points (cp). It consists of two vocational units from the Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services:
Work induction (30 cp),
Working as a workplace instructor (30 cp),
60 cp. We prepare a personal study plan together with you, taking into account your previous education and work experience. The estimated duration of the studies is 4-6 months.
To whomThe training is targeted to you who are already working in the cleaning and property services field in Finland, and whose employer has agreed to tie an apprenticeship training contract.
CostsWith an apprenticeship contract, the training is free of charge.
Toimipiste, toteutustapa ja ajankohta
TimeThe training will start in August 2024.
Online info session:
28.8.2024 at 3 – 4 pm (info/ orientation)
11.9.2024 at 2 – 4 pm
25.9.2024 at 2 – 4 pm
9.10.2024 at 2 – 4 pm
23.10.2024 at 2 – 4 pm
This is an online learning program. Threre are no contact studies at the school. You will have access to our distance learning environments and online learning materials. You will receive feedback on the development of your skills from the teacher. You will supplement your studies according to a personal plan while learning in the workplace. Once you have achieved your vocational competence, you will demonstrate it through practical work situations in a workplace demonstration. An apprenticeship agreement or training agreement will be arranged for the time of your studies.
Applying for training
Continuous admissionThere is continuous admission to these studies. Fill in the application form and we will contact you in two weeks. Make sure your phone number and email are written correctly. To apply for this training, you need a workplace.
Application formContact information
Liukolampi MaaritOpettaja
Kerava, Sarviniitynkatu 9
Keudan HakeutumispalvelutSeuraavat toteutukset
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Keuda - Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä
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