Master's Degree programme in Technological Transformation Leadership | online studies

Study technological transformation leadership interdisciplinary
The master's degree programme in Technological Transformation Leadership is an interdisciplinary programme designed to prepare engineering and social and health care students for leadership roles in driving organizational change through technology.
The degree programme aims to develop strategic leaders capable of integrating technology with organisational and business processes. Graduates will be able to lead technology initiatives, execute strategic plans, manage projects and innovations, and address ethical considerations in technology transformation, including those related to AI.
Leading roles in technology and social and health care
Engineering graduates from the master's degree programme in Technological Transformation Leadership will be equipped for roles such as
- chief technology officer
- digital transformation manager
- technology consultant.
Social and health care graduates will be equipped for roles in the field of social and health care such as
- digital transformation manager
- technology consultant.
Duration and the scope of studies vary
For engineering students, the programme duration is 1 year and for the social and health care students 2 years. Engineering students will study a total of 60 ECTS credits worth of master-level studies and social and health care students study 90 ECTS credits.
All the students study the core competence studies (15 ECTS credits) to obtain capabilities in technological transformation leadership. After that, the students choose complementary competence studies to shape and customize their learning. The master's degree programme includes a 30-ECTS thesis.
The studies contain challenging independent work, online group work and online studies to accommodate students’ professional and personal lives. The studies are rigorously intensive but manageable.
You can apply for the programme through the joint application in
Tutkinto / todistus
Master's Degree programme (ylempi AMK)
Seuraavat toteutukset
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