Master of Culture and Arts | Creative Design Management | ylempi AMK
The Master's Degree Programme in Creative Design Management is a professional higher education degree. The unique online programme focuses especially on project management and concept development in the fields of communication and advertising. The objective of the studies is to learn to lead and manage customer-oriented media and communication projects.
The Creative Design Mangement programme aims at providing students with skills and competence to work in both local and international creative project environments, including online environments. The degree programme is suitable for advertising, marketing or other creative field professionals interested in managing creative processes and achieving project management and leadership positions in their organisations.
Studies in Creative Design Management
The Creative Design Management Programme (60 ECTS) takes an estimated three terms (1.5 years) to complete. The degree programme is based on the online learning approach and includes online tasks, independent learning and collaborative online group work and project work.
The degree is composed of the Planning for the Future module (10 ECTS), the Creative Projects and Concept Design module (10 ECTS), the Thesis module (30 ECTS) and elective studies (10 ECTS).
The studies and the programme focuses on the students capacity to manage creative and media projects from idea to design and implementation. The students will accumulate the core competence necessary for project planning, management and leadership together with creative design in the Creative Projects and Concept Design module. With elective studies the students can expand their competence in areas and methods relevant to their work.
A key element in the programme is the development project for the thesis, which is related to the student's own creative ideas, customer projects or operations. The development work of the thesis is based on research and analysis and carried out using methodologies and tools relevant to the development task. The thesis also involves documentation and reporting about the development process.
Admission requirements
You can apply to the programme through Joint application at
Entry requirement to the Master's degree programme is a minimum of two years’ relevant work experience gained after a suitable higher education degree completed in Finland or abroad or a Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma. (See the detailed eligibility criteria in
Degree / diploma
Master of Culture and Arts